Founded on LifeForce Yoga®
Sponsored by the SPIRIT YOGA MINISTRY of Hillhurst United Church
Anxiety and panic can overtake us. We may feel trapped in a highly uncomfortable body and have disturbing thoughts. It can be an unrelenting situation. In response, we may act in ways we otherwise might not chose, we might lash out, run away or freeze in place, not able to live life fully.
This engaging, multifaceted 3-hour yoga-for-beginners workshop will arm you with a toolbox of strategies for compassionately meeting your anxiety, putting things into perspective, and helping you to focus so you can move forward.
with Lonnie DeSorcy, LFY®P-II, Certified Yoga Therapist and Spiritual Director
Saturday, January 11th, 2014 – 12:30 – 3:30PM
Hillhurst United Church, 1227 Kensington Close NW
Cost: $30 per person
To sign up, contact
Beth Workman at or 403.202.0106