Tuesday Morning (10 – 11:30AM) LifeForce Yoga for Management of Energy and Mood (less emphasis on alignment/musculo-skeletal issues)
9 Classes at Shaganappi $162 / $144 if paid by March 11
Using yoga poses, breath, hand gestures, sound, imagery, intention and inquiry practices (sometimes using two or more of these at once), we will meet our current mood and, if needed, gently shift it to a more balanced state. In this class, focus is away from perfecting the physical form of poses and instead uses yogic tools including yoga postures to calm or energize, directing attention to sensation in specific areas of the body, releasing chronic tension and using evidence-based yogic practices to access the wellspring of well-being that resides beneath. Class will conclude with either a yoga nidra (guided relaxation) or meditation practice.
- Apr 5, 19, 26
- May 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
- Jun 14
To register,
- review Par-Q and satisfy yourself that you are a fit and healthy individual.
- contact Lonnie who will email you a form that can be printed off, completed with pen and paper and then delivered via scan and email, fax, mail or hand delivery.
- make payment. Ensure that you talk to Lonnie if you’d like to arrange for a pro-ration or you would like to receive a multi-class discount. You have the option to pay by cash, cheque, e-transfer or PayPal (credit card or PayPal account). See paper registration form for more info about how to pay by these methods. If you’d like to pay through credit card or PayPal. You can use your Paypal account if you are a frequent PayPal user, sending payment to lldesorcy@shaw.ca, or ask Lonnie for a PayPal invoice.